

Few States Make Collected Data Accessible to Parents and Teachers

Data is of little use if it remains hidden in virtual filing cabinets in school administrative offices. Many teachers and parents still don’t get access to that information – only 38 percent of parents say they had “easy” access to all the information they need. And a full 67 percent of teachers say they do not have full confidence in data and the tools used to make sense of it.

A new report, “Time to Act 2017: Put Data in the Hands of People,” catalogs how the evolving use of data has influenced policy and teaching practices over the last 10 years. While data used to be widely connected to test scores and punishment for failing teachers, the report found a change in opinion among educators: just 18 percent now say data is used simply as a way to crack down on so-called failing schools. Today, it’s more common to hear schools talk about using data to create custom-fit lessons for students, or to plan interventions for students who are either excelling or failing.

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