
Time is running out for new funds to renovate or build kindergarten classrooms

Legislators and parents have been asking school districts to offer full-day kindergarten to all students for some time. But some districts don’t have the classroom space they would need to expand the length of time children are in the classroom. Some districts have classrooms that are undersized, lack restrooms, or otherwise don’t meet Title 5 design requirements. But now a new state grant program funded at $100 million could provide funding for retrofitting or new classroom construction. The program is a matching program that will fund a district’s existing enrollment, but not for expansion of facilities. One funding rounds already occurred in January 2019, but another is slated for May. Applications that did not receive funding during the first funding round were returned to the district and new applications must be created. EH&A can create a successful application for you that meets this deadline.

A school district may apply for FDKFGP funding if it meets all of the following requirements:

  1. The school district currently has or will have by project completion a school board resolution allowing the district to provide full-day kindergarten instruction.
  2. The school district currently lacks the facilities to adequately provide full-day kindergarten instruction to currently enrolled Kindergarten pupils at the project school site, based on the current enrollment at the time of application submittal. Additionally, school districts may apply for FDKFGP funding for projects that have awarded construction contracts on or after the inception of FDKFGP on June 27, 2018, if all other eligibility criteria are met.

Advance funding may be requested for design and site acquisition costs. Existing projects that recently began construction may also qualify. Time is of the essence to apply for this funding! EH&A’s associates are experts in navigating the application requirements and submitting a timely application. Contact us now so you can be ready for the May funding window.

Click here for a new FAQ on the Full-Day Kindergarten Facilities Grant Program…

Click here for the OPSC presentation on the FDKFGP…