
Research study offers free methane gas testing in school buildings

The California Fugitive Gas Emissions Study, sponsored by the California Energy Commission (CEC), is seeking participation from commercial buildings* throughout the state to collect data on building methane leaks. The study is composed of two components: 1) a free on-site leak detection tests for facilities that can potentially result in lowered fuel costs and reduced GHG emissions, and 2) a short online survey about building characteristics and gas usage. Data collected will remain confidential and can help state policymakers target solutions to reduce these methane leaks.

The research team is asking for your support in three ways:

  1. Schedule a free leak detection test at your facility (or connect us with other potential facilities where we can conduct tests). Opportunities for free testing wrap up at the end of June, so please reach out soon!
  2. Share our study through your newsletters, social media, and other platforms.
  3. Put us in touch with other people and/or organizations in your networks who might be interested so we can expand our outreach and recruitment.

For more information about the study, please visit You can contact us at Thank you, and we look forward to collaborating!


*The sectors/building types we’re looking at include: office buildings, education, lodging, retail, food/restaurants, and warehouses.