
Nobody More Experienced than Bob Nicholson with School Facility Planning

At Eric Hall & Associates, we recognize the onerous and numerous challenges districts encounter in today’s difficult economic climate. Bob Nicholson is your dedicated subject matter expert. As Vice President, Bob works directly with government agencies from cradle to closeout assisting you with all aspects of State Agency interaction. Attending SAB and OPSC meetings regularly in Sacramento, Bob can represent you in obtaining the funding and approvals for your specific projects. With timing often a critical component of public school design and construction, we work hard to maximize your potential funding, while minimizing the timeline required obtaining approvals.

Bob has dedicated himself to helping you access all funding possibilities, working with state agencies, monitoring facility related legislation and regulations, and remaining engaged in the various funding opportunities while imparting that information to your staff, board members and community.

These services benefit you by ensuring awareness of funding resources and opportunities so you can receive the maximum funding possible. This also provides an avenue for you to have input on law and regulations that affect you, your district, your board, and your community while having the benefit of a knowledgeable representative advocating for your specific issues.

Before joining EH&A in 2009, Bob worked as Director of K-12 Education Services for a local San Diego architectural firm. He developed strategies that assisted districts with facility planning processes, stays informed of public policies affecting educational facilities, provides first line of assistance for education clients, and stays engaged in the myriad of issues related to public school educational facility funding and planning. Bob helped districts with development and implementation of Educational Planning Specifications in conjunction with the master planning processes. He facilitated community involved processes in conjunction with master planning. He also assisted in obtaining taxpayer association endorsement of capital improvement bond referendums.

Bob served as Senior Director, Facility Planning Services for the San Diego County Office of Education. His organization provided facility planning support services to 42 school districts and the county office of education. Tasking included implementation of Class Size Reduction, Federal Renovation Programs, Storm Water Management processes, Redevelopment agency interaction and agreement negotiation, assistance with building teams for capital improvement programs, and management of the Small School District Outreach Consortium. In addition to assisting school districts, the department supported County Office programs including Special Education, Juvenile Court and Community Schools, Regional Occupation and Outdoor Education programs. The department collaborated with State agencies involved in capital improvement programs including the State Allocation Board, California Department of Education, Office of Public School Construction, Department of Toxic Substance Control and Division of the State Architect.

Bob served, with distinction for 26 years with the greatest Navy in the world. He earned numerous personal and professional awards including two Navy Commendations and two Navy Achievement Medals. He is justifiably proud of his achievements and contributions during periods when a strong Navy proved itself essential to the security of the free world. He achieved “Master Training Specialist” and “Curriculum Development Specialist” while serving as an instructor at the Naval Training Center in San Diego. He also served on nine ships and is a graduate of the Sergeant Major Academy at Fort Bliss in Texas.

Bob is a graduate of Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Summa Cum Laude, and holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Workforce Education and Development. He has received many professional certifications and currently studies computer sciences in his spare time. Bob is an avid golf enthusiast and would enjoy you joining him sometime for a round of golf.